
Oprykning sikret for 3. senior

Allan Pedersen
09. oktober 2018 kl. 21:20

So sure club's Lions are in series 6 in their promotion to Series 5. This has happened in
the boys first season as senior and this is despite the fact that they are not even senior players yet. Til weekender kamp var
vores gennemsnitsalder bare 16 år (
if we held one coach outside, until today's match
was playing because. Few players available) I was not present for Saturday's match, so not so much details, but we vandt igen knusende sikkert
6-2 over FB fodbold.
We should have played match on Thursday, but the opponent has withdrawn and thus we have secured our promotion. A little bit of a way to move on without a fight, but a raise is a
We play next and season's final match Sunday, 21.10 at. 13.00 mod Fredericia KFUM i KFUM parken.
Hende fejrer vi oprykningen og det skal ske med en sejr i lokalopgøret. Kom gerne UD og se drengene
Spille lokal opgør og fejre oprykningen with dem.
Forza EGIF ❤️

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