Sæsonens bedste kamp for EGIF senior 3

We had Sunday visits by Harte, which was at 1. Place in the row with the same point number as us. It's also the only team we've lost in the season when we met in Harte. We were very upset at today's match
and very keen on the return and very keen on taking over the
1st place.
We came lynhurtigt bagud at a little lucky but also cleverly done kick by one of Hartes oldest but best players. We got the dog quickly scored for both 1-1 and 2-1 in some really nice through-played attacks and we set up really heavy on the fight. Harte lost his breath and we were today a fantastic game humor and drove a
stone-proof 6-1 victory home.
Now we are in the row 1. The place is really close in the swing for a promotion to series 5. The boys are also good at playing series 6, so the promotion has been the goal throughout the season.
Jeg har i dag haft det virkelig en holdindsats. Our defense and goalkeeper has just become more and more secure throughout the season and today we give almost no chances away. Dette gør på offensiven blomstrer og i dag scorer vi 6 mål, men kunne sagtens have scoret mindst 10 mål, hvis vi har en lidt større udnyttelse af vores chancer.
Når alt er sagt, man was really proud of being a coach for these guys again today.
The game plan was followed to the point and it was really played football at a high level from our side today.
Kampens mål blev i dag scoret af Brian x 1, Nicolai x 2, Hybel x 1, Richard x 2. Der er også flot op til målene og dagens assisterer var Mikkel x 3 og Aalborg x 1
I write all 3 senior teams in Erritsø GIF på 1. Pladsen i deres puljer. Great to be part of a senior environment in Erritsø with so many wonderful young football players.